Central Union Elementary

2020 Trustee Boundary Redistricting Maps

2020 Trustee Boundary Redistricting Maps-Update 12/14/21
Posted on 12/14/2021
cusd clipart2020 Trustee Boundary Redistricting Maps 

As the 2020 Census was recently finalized, the California Voting Rights Act ("CVRA") along with California Elections Code § 14025-14032, is designed to ensure fair representation among the District’s population in district Trustee elections. Districts are required to analyze the total residents in the school district boundary and the percentage of each ethnic group therein. For the 2020 Census update, if the variance between the largest and smallest populations for the current trustee areas exceeds 10%, the District will need to go through the process of revising their trustee boundary areas. If the variance is less than 10%, no changes to the current trustee areas are needed.  

Federal and state laws require that the trustee areas be nearly equal in population using the most recent Census counts. Some deviation is permitted, but the rule of thumb is that the difference between the most- and least-populous election districts should not exceed ten percent of the "ideal" district's population. Federal law also requires that election districts be drawn to respect protected race/ethnic groups so that their communities are neither divided nor overly concentrated in individual districts. The corresponding documentation addresses the District’s compliance with these standards for the selected map.

The District has held three open hearings on map configuration based upon census data.

The Board Calendar for the Redistricting timeline is as follows
  • Meeting #1 - Monday, October 18, 2021  - Introduce Findings - Schoolworks presentation
  • Meeting #2 - Monday, November 8, 2021 - Second Hearing on redistricting, introduce map options. Board may ask for Refinement of the draft boundary scenarios and presentations  
  • Meeting #3 - Monday,  December 13, 2021 - discussion/amendments/selection recommendation of final map for subsequent meeting to adopt
  • Meeting #4 - Monday, January 10, 2022 - Final hearing and Board vote on adopted Trustee area map.
During the Board meeting of January 10, 2022, the Board of Trustees will hold a meeting and take action on the Trustee area map.

Plan E All

Plan E Detail

Census 2020 Data Summary

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